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Disturbing Advice on Sex

In a series of undercover audits, Live Action investigators documented Planned Parenthood counselors and nurses advising our investigators, who the Planned Parenthood staffers thought were minors, on how to practice torture sex.
Planned Parenthood consistently fights any law requiring parental consent or involvement for minors seeking sexual and reproductive health care, including abortions. PP’s website encourages teens to circumvent their parents and the law.

Episode One: Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky

Planned Parenthood characterizes itself as a leading sex educator for children.  The organization receives millions of dollars in public money through the TPP (Teen Pregnancy Prevention) program, as well as through PREP (the Personal Responsibility and Education Program).
Planned Parenthood characterizes itself as a leading sex educator for children.  The organization receives millions of dollars in public money through the TPP (Teen Pregnancy Prevention) program, as well as through PREP (the Personal Responsibility and Education Program).

Episode Two: Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

Two more investigative videos from pro-life organization Live Action show Planned Parenthood facilities in Denver, Colorado offering disturbing and dangerous advice to what staffers think are underage girls. The counselors approvingly lay out in graphic detail a spectrum of sadistic sexual behaviors to the investigators, including “whipping,” “tying up,” and “asphyxiation.”
One Planned Parenthood counselor tells Live Action’s investigator to use a “safe word” when practicing BDSM with her boyfriend so that he knows when she feels uncomfortable or unsafe. When the investigator asks if she can just say “stop,” the counselor answers that using words like “stop” can get “mixed up when you’re having intercourse” and that the male partner will wonder, “Does she really mean ‘stop,’ or does she mean, you know, whatever?” The other counselor concurs: “Usually, a lot of people will say ‘stop’ even though it feels good, so that’s usually not something that is used.”

Episode Three: Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette

A Planned Parenthood staffer in Portland, Oregon offers disturbing sex counseling to what she thinks is a fifteen-year-old girl. The staffer tells the investigator that “it’s very common to experiment with different things,” including “being tied up” and “whipped” and “the baby thing, where they will put on diapers[.]”
Live Action’s president, Lila Rose, commented that “no one can justify a counselor telling a fifteen-year-old girl that ‘some people like being spanked, or whipped, or hit.’ This is not sex education, but rather a disturbing and dangerous ideology consciously being pushed on our nation’s youth.”

Episode Four: Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota

The counselor claims that “anything within the sexual world is normal as long as it’s consensual” – that if the investigator’s sex partner “wants to try something that … is gonna cause you harm or pain, and you’re okay with that, that’s a completely different thing than [sic] if he wants to try something to do that you’re not okay with[.]” She recommends two specific sex shops where the investigator can get “sex toys” and “sex props.”
“What else could an underage girl agree to that Planned Parenthood would call ‘completely normal’? Cuts? Broken bones? Is child sexual abuse ‘completely normal’ if the girl thinks she wants it? Planned Parenthood has covered up the statutory rape of minors for years as well, not taking child sexual abuse seriously. Apparently, it’s ‘yes’ to everything – to depraved and dangerous behavior – as long as there’s ‘consent.’” — Live Action President Lila Rose