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Live Action is best-known for its undercover videos exposing the truth about the abortion industry – particularly Planned Parenthood, which is the biggest and oldest abortion business in the United States. While Planned Parenthood engages in the biggest ethical violation on the books – killing innocent preborn children – we have found numerous other forms of corruption.

Our investigations of the abortion industry have found Planned Parenthood willing to cover up and the sexual exploitation of minors, provide pregnant women false medical information, and abort baby girls for simply being female.

Our look inside the late-term abortion industry also found shocking revelations as abortionists admitted on camera that if a baby was born alive following a failed abortion, that they would let the child die.

Below is a listing of our investigative projects that we have conducted over the last decade. Many of the investigations are series that show patterns of abuse across the abortion industry through our undercover footage inside multiple clinics.

Investigators from Live Action posed as leaders of a sex-trafficking ring and found that Planned Parenthood was willing to assist in securing secret abortions for underage sex slaves.
Planned Parenthood staff at multiple locations were caught on tape covering up child sexual abuse and advising how to get secret abortions so the illegal relationship would not be discovered.
See the shocking behavior that goes on inside America’s late-term abortion industry. Cameras catch abortion staff promising to not assist babies who may be born alive following a failed abortion.
Would abortion centers abort baby girls for simply being female? See the shocking results from our undercover investigation.
When asked about recent abortion-related complications and injuries at their clinics, would Planned Parenthood tell the truth or lie to our investigator? See for yourself.
We debunk the outrageously false mammogram claims of Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.
Pregnant women need accurate medical information. Our investigation shows Planned Parenthood is willing alter the truth to generate abortion sales.
In one of our first investigations, we find Planned Parenthood employees are glad to accept donations from an obviously racist caller specifically for the specific purpose of aborting black babies.
Teens need sound and safe advice on sexual matters. What we found at Planned Parenthood was dangerous instructions for minors to commit illegal acts.
Planned Parenthood PR tells the media that women won’t have health care options without them. Our phone calls to Planned Parenthood staff reveals a very different story.