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Planned Parenthood tells pregnant women absurd medical lies

In a multi-state undercover investigation Live Action documented Planned Parenthood’s use of unscientific and fabricated medical information to convince women to have abortions. A series of hidden camera videos shot in clinics across the United States reveals the exploitative tactics abortionists and clinicians employ to conceal the truth about abortion from women who most need honest and accurate information. Leading embryologists have denounced Planned Parenthood’s conduct caught on tape as “erroneous and scientifically absurd.”
The American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics states that “The physician’s obligation is to present the medical facts accurately to the patient.” Anything less demands the immediate revocation of medical license and full prosecution under the “informed consent” statutes that exist in nearly every state.
Live Action video investigations demonstrate that Planned Parenthood will even deny a pregnant woman her right to know the scientific facts about her own pregnancy.


Footage from an Appleton, WI, Planned Parenthood abortion clinic shows clinic staff, including the abortion doctor, lying to two young women about fetal development and encouraging the one who is pregnant to obtain an abortion because “women die having babies.”
In the undercover video, when the two women ask a Planned Parenthood counselor if the pregnant woman’s 10-week-old unborn child has a heartbeat, the counselor emphasizes “heart tones,” and answers, “Heart beat is when the fetus is active in the uterus–can survive–which is about seventeen or eighteen weeks.” On the contrary, embryologists agree that the heartbeat begins around 3 weeks. Wisconsin informed-consent law requires that women receive medically accurate information before undergoing an abortion.
The counselor then says, “A fetus is what’s in the uterus right now. That is not a baby.” Dr. Prohaska, the abortion doctor, insists, “It’s not a baby at this stage or anything like that.” Prohaska also states that having an abortion will be “much safer than having a baby,” warning, “You know, women die having babies.”

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In the video, a staffer tells a woman who is reportedly 6 to 8 weeks pregnant that at this stage her baby has “no arms, no legs, no heart no head, no brain.” The staffer emphasizes the difficulties of adoption, urges the woman to obtain an abortion as soon as possible, says that images of abortion are fabricated, and states that the preborn child at 6 to 8 weeks has no “identifiable parts” and is just “fetal matter.”
Wisconsin law requires women to receive medically accurate information before obtaining an abortion. The America Medical Association indicates in its Code of Ethics that “the physician’s obligation is to present the medical facts accurately to the patient.”

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When the woman, purportedly 10-weeks pregnant, asks the clinician, named “Sarah,” when her baby’s heart begins to beat, Sarah replies, “It’s around I think the 8th or the 9th week that you can hear the heartbeat.” The heart actually begins beating 3 weeks and 1 day after conception, according to Moore and Persaud’s well-known textbook The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. The Planned Parenthood clinician also insists, “It’s not a baby, it’s a fetus,” which, she claims, is “not like a person.”

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